Sustainable Development through Green Chemistry
The School consists of 5 lecture days. The aim of the School
is to disseminate good, advanced and basic chemical sciences and scientific know-how for students’ future professional careers.
More info about: 17th GREEN CHEMISTRY POSTGRADUATE SUMMER SCHOOL VENICE, 7th – 11th of July 2024
Our Skilled Teachers

Jean-Marie LEHN
Nobel Prize in 1987 in Chemistry for the synthesis of Cryptands

Natalia Tarasova
Director, Institute of Chemistry and Problems of Sustainable Development, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Michael Graetzel
Michael Graetzel, Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

Pietro Tundo
Emeritus Professor of Organic Chemistry at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Buxing Han
Professor at Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Emiliano Cazzola
Cyclotron & Radiopharmacy Department Sacro Cuore- Don Calabria Hospital, Negrar, Verona

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
Department of Chemistry Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh

Oliver Kappe
Institute of Chemistry, University of Graz, Graz

James Clark
Professor of Chemistry at the University of York
What Our Students Say

“I had a great time during the Summer School, the talks were very diverse and interesting, which was something that made the experience worthwhile. Considering the online format, and all the restrictions that this imposes, the Summer School was very nice and enjoyable. Thanks for putting it together and for giving the opportunity to participate. All the best.”
Igor Tadeu
from Brazil

“I want to express my gratitude for a well-organized remote summer school. Sincerely hope to meet all of you next year.”
from Ukraine
“I also would like to thank the organizers for this amazing school with very interesting lectures. The only think I would suggest, if the school will be held online again in the future, is to insert some "coffee breaks" since the schedule is very busy.”
from Italy
“Thank you all for giving us this opportunity. My suggestion is that we can look forward to a day to meet physically and rub minds together. We can also network together and help those are in developing countries to work together. Thank you.”
Segun Festus
from Nigeria