
The Foundation

The Foundation has legal personality by virtue of the registration in the register established at the Prefecture of Venice and is non-profit making.
The Foundation pursues the aims of the following art. 2, in compliance with the principles of economy of management. Any income, income and profits from the activities are used exclusively for the purposes of the Foundation.
The Foundation is located in the Municipality of Venice. The transfer of the office within the Municipality of Venice does not involve changes of these statutes. In order to pursue the statutory purposes with deliberation of the Board of Directors, secondary offices, agencies, branches and offices may be established, also abroad.

Founders and Board

Francesco Trotta

President of the GSSD Foundation and Full Professor Industrial Chemistry – University of Turin (IT)

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During his career he has been scientific adviser for many international enterprises and has coordinated several institutional or industrial researches (EU, NATO, Baxter Health Care, Ingenta Crop Protection, Roquette Freres, Amorim&Irnaos among the other).

He is also part of the American Chemical Society (ACS), Italian Chemistry Society (SCI), president of the Italian Association of Chemistry and Technology of Cyclodextrins and vice-president of the European Cyclodextrin Society, Honorary Fellow of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials.

Since 2004 he is a member of the International Scientific Board of the International Cyclodextrin Symposium. “Guest Editor” of the Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry and Polymers.

Member of the Editorial Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Member of Advisory Scientific Board to Editor of Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and International Journal of Material Science. He has been “invited speaker” to many international conferences.

Over the years he acted as examiner of numerous scientific articles for outstanding international ISI journals and foreign research projects.

He was also member of several Ph.D defense committees in Italy and abroad and “Visiting Professor” at Ian Duglosz University of Czestochowa (Poland).

He is author or co-author of 193 scientific papers, 20 industrial patents, 7 book chapters and more than 200 communications to national and international conferences. Co-Editor of a book on Nanosponges published by Wiley in 2019. He has an h.index of 41 and more than 5,000 citations. (

The main expertises are: Cyclodextrin Chemistry, Polymer synthesis and modification, Drug delivery systems, Molecular Imprinted Polymers and Membrane, Phase Transfer Catalysis.

Fabio Aricò

Fabio Aricò

Board Member GSSD Foundation and Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Informatics, Ca’ Foscari University (IT)

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Fabio Aricò is Full Professor at Ca’ Foscari University, Venezia Italy where he has been since 2007.

In 2003 he has been awarded the Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Reading (UK) under the supervision of Prof. Howard Colquhoun working on synthesis, characterization and modification of polymers and macrocycles incorporating aromatic units.

He has also spent six-months as visiting fellow at Strasbourg University working in the laboratory of Prof. J.-Pierre Sauvage (Nobel price 2016).

In 2003 he started a two-years post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Los Angeles California in the laboratories of Sir. Prof. J. Fraser Stoddart (Nobel Price 2016).

He then worked for 6 years at the Interuniversity Consortium “the chemistry for the Environment” (INCA) under the supervision of Prof Tundo. In the same period he has also collaborate as post-doctoral fellow at Ca’ Foscari University.

During his career he has gained experience in various fields of organic chemistry ranging from supramolecular chemistry, nanotechnology, material chemistry and green chemistry with overall over 60 scientific publications.

Actual research interests include: Green chemistry, dialkyl carbonate chemistry, heterocycles, bio-based platform chemicals and bio-based polymers.

He is currently guest editor of Frontiers in Chemistry “Green synthesis of heterocycles”. Furthermore, he is part of the VIII division of IUPAC (national representative).

Ferruccio Trifirò

Board Member GSSD Foundation and Emeritus Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (IT)

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In 1965 he worked in Prague at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, in 1968 he worked at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Reading (UK), in 1974 he won a scholarship Alexander von Humboldt to work at the Institut fur Techische Chemie in Erlangen (D).

He was assistant of industrial chemistry at Politecnico of Milano from 1967 to 1975, in November 1975 he was appointed Professor of Industrial Chemistry at the Faculty of Engineering of Cosenza, in November 1976 he was called as professor to Faculty of Industrial Chemistry in Bologna. His main research has been to a large majority in the field of heterogeneous catalysis to realize a sustainable chemistry applied to the synthesis of large intermediate with processes of oxidation and hydrogenation and to a lesser degree in the field of homogeneous catalysis, environmental catalysis, transformation of biomass into raw materials for chemistry to realize a sustainable chemistry.

He is the author of 517 scientific publications, 24 patents, three books published abroad in English in the field of oxidation processes, editor of 8 books, and 17 reviews about teaching.

From 1996 till now is director of the journal “La Chimica e l’Industria” of Italian Chemical Society and he published in Italian in this magazine among 160 short notes or topical editorials and 80 articles on scientific and technical aspects related to the chemical industry.

He is member of the editorial board of the Journal “TI-JES . Tecnica Italiana Italian Journal of Engineering Science” (of International Informations and Engineering Association) and of “The Journal of Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage”.

His research has always been characterized by a collaboration with industries and many of his papers and patents have, in fact, published along with industrial researchers.

The industries with which he has collaborated, outside European projects, with personal research contracts are: Georgia Pacific, Monsanto, Millenium, Catalytica Studies Division, UOP (US); Societe du Petrole d’Aquitaine, Rhodia, Air Liquide, Elf Atochem, Rhone Poulenc, Arkema (France); Booregaard (Norwegian), Sud Chemie (Germany), Solvay (Belgium), Sabic (Saudi Arabia), Stamicarbon , Eniricerche, Sir, Euteco, Ausimont, Carbochimica, Liquichimica, Enel, Itea, Montedison, Radici Chimica, Hera Forli, Colorobbia and Vannetta, Technip (Italian).

With an European project he was working with Swedish industries(Catator, Perstrop, Sosdra Vaxjo Energy, Lantmannen Energi) in biomass gasification to produce chemicals. A second feature of his research was to have had close relationships with foreign researchers, long before European projects come true: he, in fact, has publications with French, British, Belgian, German, Spanish, Swedish, and with researchers of the countries of East European (Russian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian and Romanian), long before it opened the Iron Curtain and researchers outside Europe (US, India, Argentina and Brasil).

He has been coordinator of a master degree in Materials Science and Sustainable chemistry for two years. He was a member of UNIDO (UN organization) to achieve a sustainable chemistry in developing countries for more than fifteen years until 2008.

He worked for several years in the commissions for the pollution and wastes of the Region Emilia Romagna. He has been a scientific consultant of the project “Moniter” monitoring incinerators in Emilia- Romagna region in the years 2007-2008-2009.

He was appointed by the Emilia-Romagna Region member of the Committee for the prevention and forecasting of major risks, as an expert chemical risk, in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008.

He received an honorary degree in chemical engineering from the University of Bratislava in 1997 to mark the 60th anniversary of the birth of the degree course in technology. He received the title of honorary professor of the faculty of Chemical Engineering from the University of Litoral of Santa Fe (Argentina).

He received the prize in Berlin for “Scientific achievements in oxidation catalysis”, by the International Committee of oxidation catalysis in 2001. From Italian Chemical Society he received the following prizes: in 1992 Pino medal from the Division of Industrial Chemistry of Italian Chemical Society; in 2001 the medal Fauser Group Interdivisional Catalysis Chemical Society Italian for “The example to unite innovation in research on catalysis for industrial innovation”; in 2009,” the gold medal “Emanuele Paternò” with the following justification “world-class scientist in the study and implementation of sustainable chemical processes, energy production Biomass, in the search for new materials for environmentally friendly chemistry; in 2014 he received the prize Domenico Marotta from the Italian Chemical Society: “ as a scientist and organizer of initiatives in the chemical and its pe inexhaustible work of popularizer of chemical culture.

He was member of the Scientific Committee of the OPCW (Organization for the destruction of chemical weapons) from 2013 to 2017 He was president of “Accademy of Science of the Institute of Bologna” from 2015 to2017.

He is member of European Society and of Russian Scientific Society.

He was appointed from December 2013 to 2018 as scientific adviser TICASS (Innovative technologies for environmental monitoring and sustainable development) of the Italian region Liguria a pole of Scientific-Technological Innovation, a consortium company that includes companies, universities and research institutions.

Pietro Tundo – Founder

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8167-356X

Pietro Rosario Tundo (16th October 1945 – 30th October 2023) was a Professor of Organic Chemistry and, until his retirement in 2016, was responsible for scientific projects on Green Chemistry at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He also served as the Coordinator of the UNESCO-UNITWIN program “Green Chemistry Excellence from Baltic Sea to Mediterranean Sea and Beyond.”

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He was a guest researcher and teacher at College Station (Texas, 1979-1981), Potsdam (New York, 1989-1990), Syracuse (New York, 1991-1992), and Chapel Hill (North Carolina, 1995).

He was a Member of the Bureau of IUPAC and Chair of the IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development.

Tundo authored approximately 350 scientific publications and held 40 patents.

His scientific interests included organic synthesis in selective methylations with low environmental impact, continuous flow chemistry, chemical detoxification of contaminants, hydrodehalogenation under multiphase conditions, phase-transfer catalysis (gas-liquid phase-transfer catalysis, GL-PTC), synthesis of crown ethers and functionalized cryptands, supramolecular chemistry, heteropolyacids, safe alternatives to harmful chemicals, and Green Chemistry for Cultural Heritage.

He was the sole author of the book Continuous Flow Methods in Organic Synthesis (E. Horwood Pub., Chichester, UK, 1991, 378 pp.) and the editor of about 20 books. Tundo was President of the Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division of IUPAC (2007-2009) and held the UNESCO Chair on Green Chemistry (UNITWIN No. 731).

He founded and chaired (2004-2016) the Working Party on “Green and Sustainable Chemistry” of EuCheMS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences).

As the founder of the IUPAC International Conference Series on Green Chemistry, he was awarded the Kendall Award by the American Chemical Society in 1983 (along with Janos Fendler) and the An Intelligent Future award by Federchimica (Italian Association of Chemical Industries) in 1997. Tundo coordinated numerous institutional and industrial research projects (EU, NATO, Dow, ICI, Roquette) and was the founder and Director of 15 editions of the annual Summer Schools on Green Chemistry (Venice, Italy), sponsored by the EU, UNESCO, NATO, and IUPAC.

In 2020, he founded the Green Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation, further advancing his commitment to sustainability and Green Chemistry.