Summer School 2021
Organization of In-person/Virtual (on site and online) Postgraduate Summer School has just started!
The School consists of 5 lecture days. The aim of the School is to disseminate good, advanced and basic chemical sciences and scientific know-how for students’ future professional careers. Please visit the webpage about the programme of the previous 2020 edition to which the 2021 event will be inspired to.

Motto: Sustainable Development through Green Chemistry
Chairman’s message:
Dear Colleagues,
With a great pleasure I would like to welcome you to the next 13th Postgraduate Summer School on Green Chemistry 2021.
This 2021 Edition of the Summer School follows the previous one held online as a result of COVID-19 pandemic ( In addition, we will do our best to hold the 2021 edition on live as well.
You may already know about previous 12 successful editions of the Summer School, in particular the one took place in Palazzo Ducale in St. Mark’s Square in Venice.
Main topics will be:
Benign synthesis routes
Green catalysis
Alternative solvents
Renewable and green raw materials
Green chemistry for energy
Clean processes
Green Chemistry education
We would like to tune this Summer School to the successful outcomes of the previous editions by inviting:
- outstanding teachers
- major chemical industries
- top level students
Thanks to the generous participations of our sponsors, outstanding postgraduate students from developing countries will be awarded with a scholarship of 65 Euro (each) to attend the Summer School virtually.
Further information and Programme will be announced soon.
In this Summer School, postgraduate students will also have an immense opportunity to demonstrate their research works during either Virtual and on-person Poster Session of the Summer School. The best posters will be selected and awarded by our sponsors during an award ceremony.
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
The Summer School will provide the best possible platform for postgraduate students from different countries to interact with well-known scientists/educators in the field of Green Chemistry, to exchange ideas with their peers, to create a research network, and to develop a friendship with attendants at an international level. We will do our best to ensure that these links and connections will be permanent, and you will be able to meet in person as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic will be over!
I invite all participants to actively participate with their suggestions and ideas during the Summer School with the hope that closer connections are established also for the future.
We look forward to seeing you all online or in-person.
Green Chemistry Summer School: Venice, 4th-10th July 2021

Chairman, President of the Green Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation P.Tundo_CVDownloadProfessor P.Tundo_PublicationsDownloadPoster_Summer_School_2021Download
Sponsored by
Endorsed by

Green Chemistry Summer School
Fondazione “Green Sciences for Sustainable Development”
Sede legale: Santa Croce 468/B 30135 Venezia, presso Studio Diaz.
Segreteria : via Ca’ Marcello, 61- 30172 Venezia-Mestre
C.F. 90188620273
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General information
The Summer School on Green Chemistry will be held from 4th to 10th July 2021.
The official language of the Conference is English.
The School consists of 5 lecture days. The aim of the School is to disseminate good, advanced and basic chemical sciences and scientific know-how for students’ future professional careers. Please visit the webpage about the programme of the previous 2020 edition to which the 2021 event will be inspired to.
The School is open to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers from all over the world.
It will consist of 5 lecture days. The official schedule will be established taking into consideration the different time zones of the participants’ countries of origin.
After the end of the Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School 2020, the Green
Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation asked students to give their
feedback on the School. Some replies is here:’%20feedback.pdf
Scientific information
Lectures will be at the level of state-of-the-art research contributions in the Green Chemistry field, but they will also cover background material. Also according to the students’ abstracts received, the Summer School main topics are:
- Benign synthesis routes
- Green catalysis
- Alternative solvents
- Renewable and green raw materials
- Green chemistry for energy
- Clean processes
- Green Chemistry education
International Scientific Committee
(Alphabetical order)
- Florent Allais, Directeur de l’URD Agro-Biotechnologies Industrielles (ABI) AgroParisTech
- Jorge Colon, Chemistry Department, College of Natural Sciences, University of Porto Rico
- Jonathan Forman, Science and Technology Advisor in the Global Security Technology and Policy Group under the National Security Directorate of Pacific Northwest National (PNNL), USA
- Buxing Han, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
- Mirabbos Hojamberdiev, Uzbekistan-Japan Innovation Center of Youth, Uzbekistan
- Nadia Kendile, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University,Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
- Klaus Kummerer, Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Institute for Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry, Lüneburg, Germany
- Liliana Mammino, of University of Venda, Thohoyandou, South Africa
- Ana Aguiar Ricardo, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
- Natalia P. Tarasova, Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
- Konstantinos S. Triantafyllidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Pietro Tundo, President of the Green Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
- Aurelia Visa, Romanian Academy, “Coriolan Drăgulescu” Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
- Jane Wissinger, Environmental & Green Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, USA
- Mester Zoltan, Department of Chemistry Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Jury Members
(Alphabetical order)
Florent Allais, Directeur de l’URD Agro-Biotechnologies Industrielles (ABI) AgroParisTech, France – Associate member of IUPAC ICGCSD
Fabio Aricò, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Neil Covile, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Jonathan Forman, Science and Technology Advisor in the Global Security Technology and Policy Group under the National Security Directorate of Pacific Northwest National (PNNL), USA – Titular member of IUPAC ICGCSD
Mirabbos Hojamberdiev, Uzbekistan-Japan Innovation Center of Youth, Uzbekistan
Konstantinos S. Triantafyllidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Pietro Tundo, President of the Green Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy – Chair of IUPAC ICGCSD
Aurelia Visa, Romanian Academy, “Coriolan Drăgulescu” Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania – Associate member of IUPAC ICGCSD
Jane Wissinger, Environmental & Green Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, USA – Associate member of IUPAC ICGCSD
Green Chemistry Summer School: Venice, 4th-10th July 2021
5 lecture days. A certificate of participation will be given to all the participants.
Feedback from students to Summer School on Green Chemistry 2021